Frequently Asked Questions


Can I Book Online?

We do not have an online booking system at this time. However you may email us or call us to contact. At this time we only schedule appointments over the phone, so after initial contact via email we still might need to give you a call. Please call 810-250-0400 to make your appointment.

Do YOu ACCept my insurance?

We accept many types of insurance. Please contact us to see if yours is included.

Are you open on the weekends?

Our office is open 9am-5pm on Monday-Thursday only. The doctor will accept emergency patients only after-hours on a case by case basis. Please call 810-250-0400 if you have additional questions.

Do you accept Children as patients?

Yes, we accept patients of all ages. However, after the initial appointment, if Dr. Knizner thinks your child will benefit from seeing a Pediatric Dentist he will refer you on a case by case basis.

Do you offer sedation dentistry?

No, we do not offer full sedation. We do our best to offer the best in patient care to elevate the stress and anxiety over the dentist office. Contact us to learn about options for you.